You’ve heard it before. “That guy was such an idiot.” Or, “this job is junk.” Or, “that woman over there is stunning.” Let’s take the example of the so-called idiot. Was he really an idiot? “Such an idiot” I’m driving down the street, rush hour traffic, coming home from work. All of a sudden, the… Read More

I have a little tree inside of me. A little tree of self-worth. It says to me, “I am a good person.” Unfortunately, it is very fragile. When somebody shouts at me, the wind lifts its roots. When somebody cries at me, the rain floods its roots. When somebody strikes at me, the axe chops… Read More

“People are like, ‘Wayne Brady’s always happy!’” he says. “No I’m not. Because I’m human.” I’ve previously posted about Bill Murray having trouble connecting with himself. A few months ago, Robin Williams committed suicide. Last week, Wayne Brady, in an interview with Entertainment Tonight, admitted to feeling the throes of depression. I highlight comedians because… Read More

Have you ever felt differently before doing something than you did while doing it or after you already did it? If you haven’t, then I’m likely to investigate whether you’re a human, or even a sentient being :-D I was reminded this morning of the before, during, after dynamic when two things happened. One, an… Read More

Emotional contagion, according to Wikipedia, “is the tendency for two individuals to emotionally converge.” As Ebola spreads further, what is spreading faster than the disease itself are the emotions surrounding it. I came across an article in The Atlantic, entitled “The Danger in Losing Sight of Ebola Victims’ Humanity,” that seems to capture the often… Read More

There is an Ebola outbreak occurring in West Africa, that is taking many lives and instilling fear in many parts of the world. While the disease has not significantly spread to the US, the fear contagion sure has. Many of us are incredibly worried about the potential of Ebola spreading here, even if the current… Read More

I wanted it I built iFeelio for me. I wanted to have a tool to give me the space to express what I was ACTUALLY feeling. To actually figure out what I wanted in life. To learn how to answer the basic question, “How do I feel?” After not touching the Java programming language for… Read More

This could be the most common question I get after people have been using iFeelio for a week or two. Are you sure you can’t read what I’m entering? I am sure that I cannot. All of the information that you enter is stored COMPLETELY on your phone. There are no backup servers. There is… Read More

“I’ll answer the question…You want answers?” “I think I’m entitled to them.” “You want answers?!?” “I want the TRUTH!!” “You can’t HANDLE the truth!!!” If you’re not familiar with this verbal exchange, this is a scene from the movie A Few Good Men, in which Tom Cruise’s character is questioning Jack Nicholson’s character in court.… Read More

en-: to cause (a person or thing) to be in the place, condition, or state named by the stem. A friend of mine and I were chatting today and he said he had a wonderful breakfast and was now heading to the office. My response was, “Masterful, enjoy!” I then reneged on that and said,… Read More